A conversation between Anri Sala and 51N4E

The transformation of Skanderbeg Square in Tirana, Albania was an ambitious project initiated by the then Mayor of Tirana and current prime minister of Albania Edi Rama and realized under current mayor Erion Veliaj. It is the result of a collaboration between Belgian architecture office 51N4E, Albanian artist Anri Sala, Belgian environmental designers Plant en Houtgoed, and Albanian company for project implementation iRI. Transforming the central square of a nation that is founded only in 1912 and that is now a developing young democracy, the project compresses all the hope and tension that come with that transition.

The project was awarded the European Prize for Urban Public Space

More about the project and flip through our publication 51N4E, Skanderbeg Square, Tirana edited by Freek Persyn and Charlotte Lao Schmidt, Ruby Press, Berlin 2017.

Ruby Press, Gallery Esther Schipper and Vice Versa Artbooks invite you to join the conversation between Anri Sala and Freek Persyn from 51N4E on the relation between contemporary art and public space:

Thursday, June 28th, 6-8 pm at gallery Esther Schipper, Potsdamer Str. 81E, Berlin.
