EM2N. Both And
Edited by Ilka & Andreas Ruby
gta, Zürich, 2009 | 400p, 175x235mm, ISBN 978-3-00-024878-8
A book about everything you ever wanted to know about EM2N, but were afraid to ask: why this office wins so many competitions, why they make this kind of architecture even though they come from Switzerland, what buildings by other architects they enthuse about, where they fail, how their floor plans actually function in detail, why, all the same they continue to build models, and how one can construct cities with buildings.
With essays by Pier Vittorio Aureli, André Bideau, Roger Diener, Gerhard Mack, Stanislaus von Moos, and with a professional biography of EM2N conceived by Ilka & Andreas Ruby and told by Mathias Müller and Daniel Niggli.