R&Sie…architects. Spoiled Climate

Edited by Andreas Ruby and Benoît Durandin
Birkhäuser, Basel, 2004 | 160p, 200×270 mm, ISBN 3-7643-0128-7

Designed by French graphic artists M/M and edited by Andreas Ruby and Benoît Durandin, this book offers an unusual introduction to the work of French Architects François Roche and Stéphanie Lavaux and their office R&Sie… Unlike normal architectural monographs it foregrounds the conceptual resources of the architects. It stands out by a disciplined use of mostly small-size images and almost completely renounces on descriptive project texts. The reader of the book cannot readily consume the work in a merely visual way, but has to work his or her way through its manifold layers in order to make sense of it.

→ Visit R&Sie…
→ Visit Birkhäuser
